Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 27, 2007

He sits...

If you distract him long enough. If he's just put there, he'll likely fall over in favor of being able to scoot around. If you give him something to play with, he can sit up and play for some time. We're not talking tripods here, we're talking real sitting. I didn't realize he'd gotten there until I put him down one day (a week or two ago) and handed him a toy. Next thing I know, he pulled his hands up and sat there for a while.

He's considering being able to push himself to sitting from his belly, but lacks coordination. This is the story of most things with him.

Ba da da

We had been wondering when the consonant vowel sounds would start. He was still mostly making vowel sounds. The last two days provided our answer.

He's suddenly making lots of consonant noises. We've heard 'duh' 'da' 'ma' 'meh' and a few others. 'Meh' seems to be his favorite right now, which somehow isn't surprising.

I <3 cats

Corin *adores* our cats. He thinks they are the best thing ever. If one walks near, he gets hella excited. If she should walk away (because, well, they don't like having fur pulled) he gets whiny.

I think Minuit is actually his favorite. Of course, that may be because she's the only one dumb enough to get near him.

It's very cool to watch him get so excited about seeing them, though. He'll start grunting and waving his arms around. Hilarious stuff.

Friday, January 26, 2007


Corin is now very effective at moving himself around the floor. He can cover a decent amount of ground. He's certainly not crawling, per se, but he moves - mostly backward. He can roll all over. He can move himself side to side (in an arc which turns into a circle if he doesn't find what he's looking for). He can push himself backward. He's played with getting up on his hands and knees and rocking, but hasn't tried to push forward yet.

Ryanne isn't too happy with this. He likes to go for her stuff and chew on it. Ha - just wait little girl.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Best present ever

I got two AWESOME birthday presents from my boy.

1) He slept until 4am before waking for his first feeding. Yeah, so I woke up at 3am drenched and sore, it was still a damn nice gift.

2) He decided to string together some 'ma's for me at dinner. He was hanging out with Chrys and getting a little whiny. Suddenly we get 'meh' a few times and then a 'meh meh'. *melt*

A little man after my own heart.