Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, December 21, 2007


He really doesn't run around the house screeching all day. It just feels like it.

The other day, he decided that he needed to start addressing his sister. He's settled on "Ahhhhhh Seeeeeeee". It's crazy cute.

He also now says
milk, done, down, water, please, some, this, bite, kiss, hug

He carries "weemee" the lemur around with him most of the day and sleeps with "mo-tay" the sock monkey. In general, though, he adores stuffed animals.

He blows kisses, makes several animal noises (but prefers Elephant, especially since he uses it to ask for the Elefun game that RC got for her birthday - loves that game.), and is quite persistent and effective in communicating with grunts, pushing and pointing when all else fails.

Well, that's settled

He's not allergic to peanuts.

I've been having mostly meat and cheese sandwiches lately. Corin will wander over, sit in my lap and take bites off of them. Today, I ran out of meat so I made PBnJ.

I was sitting there eating my sandwich and he reached for a bit. Before I realized, I let him have one. He came back for several more.

Now, if we can just get him over the tomatoes, we'll be good to go.

Tooth the ninth

Has finally made a rather sudden appearance. Lower left lateral incisor so he now looks less lopsided...on those rare occasions that he actually smiles to show teeth. Have I mentioned how awesomely he pouts?

Monday, December 17, 2007

That complicates things

Little stinker has figured out how to open doorknobs. It's not a huge issue because all the ones to outside have covers on them that even RC hasn't worked out yet (and I count my blessings on that every single day).

Inside, though, there were a few places I liked him being unable to access. Luckily he's still slow so there's time to catch him when he does it.

Right now, though, he's royally ticking off RC by going in and out of the bathroom as she tries to use it. Heh. Go sibling torment.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


He's finally got tooth #8. His first molar came in last week. It's the lower right. He's a wicked chewing machine now.


Tonight, we went bowling as part of a Y promotion. They offered free bowling with 4 lanes per time slot. We grabbed one of the earliest ones and the kids, Gamma Ree and I went down there.

Corin adored it. We didn't turn on the gutter bumpers, but they did have a ramp for the kids to use to push it down the lane and get some extra speed. Corin loved pushing it down the ramp and clapping. He got pretty decent at it.

He was the only one of us to break 100. Go figure.