Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


That was the noise Corin made while eating nachos tonight.

I asked him to please spot out whatever that was because it couldn't be good for his teeth.

Turns out, it was his tooth. His first lost tooth. Lower right front. There is a whole lot of new tooth already showing behind the new space. He was pretty tickled. And surprised.

I wonder if the Tooth Fairy dresses up for Halloween?

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Saturday, October 13, 2012


I was volunteering in Corin's class last week. They were doing small reading groups with the teacher while I helped others with "center" activities. I was stapling, attaching brads, an helping them remember the directions so I didn't get to listen to the reading.

As I was leaving, the teacher called me over. Apparently Corin's group was reading a book about people fighting and Corin had taken the opportunity to tell her they were "escalating". She was very impressed with his vocabulary and that he used it correctly. I was amused.

At least one of them hears me when I tell them to stop fighting and not escalate the situation.

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