Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, September 01, 2014

Summer's lament

Tonight was the meltdown. I've seen it coming, I've wondered when it would hit. Tonight, with just us home, daddy out, you cried. The tears of the end of a summer. You'll miss the fun things we do. You'll miss the cuddles. The lament of 200 days of school without me.

It breaks my heart and warms my heart all at the same time. I love spending these days with you. I love the unpredictability, I love the adventures. At the same time, I think that part of the fun is that they are unique. 

You love school. You love your friends. We have breaks and weekends and new adventures within school to look forward to.

I love you so very, very much. I cannot wait for next summer. I also cannot wait for the routine of the school year and seeing what you learn and grow to experience next.

Monday, July 14, 2014


Man, you are becoming quite the bird lover. You seem most interested in Orioles. You love watching all of them in our yard.

Tonight, we were discussing evolution. That led to a discussion on why we might need to evolve. Which led to a discussion on global warming. Eventually we ended up with you being VERY angy that people were hurting the environment, and in turn, harming the birds you love so much.

Not entirely sure of what will come from this. You want to singlehandedly change the world tomorrow. It will be hard to temper that with reality and not squelch your drive.

Hopefully we can at least build some bird houses for the yard, and you can figure out how to move forward from there.

I love your passion. I hope it carries you far.