Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, May 04, 2012


Today, Corin made scrambled eggs. He wanted to stir so I left him stirring eggs in the pan while I got Ryanne out the door. They were "starting to stick" by the time I was done. I told him thank you for making the eggs. He got all excited that I was giving him credit for doing it alone.

Mommy: "You can do a lot by yourself. You just need more confidence."
Corin: "That word means a letter that is not a vowel. I need more consonants."
M: "No, confidence. Faith. Not consonants."
C: "Confanants. It also means letters."
M: "No...different words. Confidence. Consonants."
C: "Confanants. Confanants."

At least he's confident he understands that...

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