The kids have this Lego dragon that came in a Duplo castle set. It's red and has some fire that it can breathe. It has teeth.
The other day, Corin peed on the potty (YAY!) and was wandering around the house without a diaper on. This has become less of an issue lately so he spends a bit of time doing it in the morning.
He found the dragon and was playing with it on the bathroom floor. I was brushing RC's hair. He was opening and closing the mouth of the dragon.
Suddenly I hear a scream, "NOOOO Dwagon. OW! Dwagon. No dwagon"
I look at him and he has his penis stuffed in the dragon's mouth. He has snapped the dragon's mouth shut on the tip of his pemis (penis). Did I mention the teeth?
He's getting very agitated and yelling at the dragon. I told him to open the dragon's mouth and take his penis out. He pulls on his penis. "OW! Pemis tuck!"
I lean down and open the dragon's mouth.
Corin looks at the dragon and says, "No bite pemis, dwagon. No bite me. Huhts."
Oy. I just about choked on the laughter.