Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, December 31, 2012

Well, that makes sense

M: Dude, why are your cars up in the sky?
C: Because they went up the ramp and flew like woooo up in the sky to the next ramp.
M: ...

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

On being a daddy

Tonight at dinner, we were discussing how long Chrys would be a daddy.

He was trying to argue that it would be about 17 more years (until N was 18). I pointed out that he would always be a daddy. He tried to emphasize this with Corin.

Daddy: "When you're a granddaddy, what will I be?"
Corin: "Dead?"

Yeah...not quite what we were looking for. I bust out laughing and then had to make sure that he knew it was because he played a good joke on daddy and not because I was laughing at him. Oy.

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012


That was the noise Corin made while eating nachos tonight.

I asked him to please spot out whatever that was because it couldn't be good for his teeth.

Turns out, it was his tooth. His first lost tooth. Lower right front. There is a whole lot of new tooth already showing behind the new space. He was pretty tickled. And surprised.

I wonder if the Tooth Fairy dresses up for Halloween?

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Saturday, October 13, 2012


I was volunteering in Corin's class last week. They were doing small reading groups with the teacher while I helped others with "center" activities. I was stapling, attaching brads, an helping them remember the directions so I didn't get to listen to the reading.

As I was leaving, the teacher called me over. Apparently Corin's group was reading a book about people fighting and Corin had taken the opportunity to tell her they were "escalating". She was very impressed with his vocabulary and that he used it correctly. I was amused.

At least one of them hears me when I tell them to stop fighting and not escalate the situation.

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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Apple picking

"The last ones we picked were vampire apples."

He means Empire. ;)

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Six year stats

Went to the doctor for his annual check-up. He was 46.5" tall and 47.4lbs. He was still tracking 75% lines for both. I think she said he had grown 3" since we came for his new patient visit in January?! No wonder none of his pants fit.

No shots for him. He was thrilled. In January, he agreed to the flu shot and then FREAKED out once she actually came in to give it to him. Since then, he's been stung by a wasp on the ear and I've convinced him that a shot hurts less than that did. We'll see if that makes any difference if and when he needs another one.

Friday, May 04, 2012


Today, Corin made scrambled eggs. He wanted to stir so I left him stirring eggs in the pan while I got Ryanne out the door. They were "starting to stick" by the time I was done. I told him thank you for making the eggs. He got all excited that I was giving him credit for doing it alone.

Mommy: "You can do a lot by yourself. You just need more confidence."
Corin: "That word means a letter that is not a vowel. I need more consonants."
M: "No, confidence. Faith. Not consonants."
C: "Confanants. It also means letters."
M: "No...different words. Confidence. Consonants."
C: "Confanants. Confanants."

At least he's confident he understands that...

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Friday, March 16, 2012


C has been working his way through the BOB books. He's not fluent, but he's made tremendous headway. Tonight, without supervision or any help sounding things out, he wrote a letter to the leprechaun that visited at school. 

"I love Luce
becus heg
av megld
sind Corin

For those that don't read 5 year old:
I love Lucky
because he gave me gold.
Signed, Corin
Thank you.

Little guy rocks my world. He's finally getting the hang of this reading and writing thing.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love and writing

Corin has been writing and writing. He wrote a book about a rainbow shrinking and growing. Illustrated with lots of rainbows. I need to capture the text translation before he forgets.

He also has started a wish list for his birthday. "Blac angre brd bacpac", etc.

It's really cool to see this explosion taking place. To watch him work through sounds and how letters play together to make words.

Gamma Ree gave them heart sticky notes for Valentine's Day. He wrote everyone's name on a sticky along with the word "love" and stuck it to our respective bedroom doors. My door says "Mom Dab love".

We love you, too, kid.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It'll cost you...

I frequently make Corin "pay" for things in kisses.  He asks for favors and they are granted for the price of a kiss or hug.

He took a nap this afternoon.  We knew this meant bedtime would be rough. Sure enough, he's been awake and sneaking down to see what we are up to downstairs. I went up to ask him to stay in bed. He agreed.

He asked for a glass of water. I suggested he go get one. Giggling he says, "But you just told me to stay in bed." I acknowledged my mistake, told him I would get him one. He says, "And will it cost a kiss?" I had to giggle as I agreed. I got my kiss. He got his water.

When he was done, I took the glass and told him goodnight. He asked me to put the glass away and come back. When I went back, I told him I was going downstairs. He caught my shirt. "It will cost you a hug and kiss to get downstairs." Laughing, I gave him a hug and kiss. With his arms still around my neck, he said it would cost another hug and kiss. This went on for 5 or 6 hugs and kisses until both of us were laughing.

I finally got away, but I must confess, I wasn't trying that hard at that point. I love that kid and his sense of humor.