Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, June 08, 2007


Corin has had diarrhea for a few days now. I wrote it off to teething. Yesterday, he spiked a bit of a fever (98.3 under arm, so within the 'normal' range for an infant, but a bit warm) to go with it and started being super clingy. Tonight he was up to 101.6 under arm which is very close to our 103 point where we actually give something to break it.

Since he seemed to be getting worse and was going to sleep in his crib where he won't be constantly monitored by us, we dosed him with Tylenol. We typically don't give anything to break a fever. Ryanne's been through a few now and done just fine. She's typically done with them in less than 12 hours. I'm still learning him, but hope this doesn't set him back.

I just want my happy boy back. Mostly because it's fun to listen to him meow at the cats - something he learned on Wednesday at Alice's house. Tonight he told Preta - "hi cah. m-ow." With the ow being like you hurt yourself and said OW. His language skills are MOST impressive, but that's another post entirely.

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