Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, July 13, 2007

You know your feet are wide when...

Your mama has a hard time squeezing them into crocs.

I went to Stride Rite and had him measured over the weekend. He's a 4.5W - a full size larger than his sister and *wide*. Looking at his square little feet, the wide wasn't a surprise. He's been in Robeez (and Target's knockoffs), but even those are a bit tight in the elastic.

I got him a pair of sandals. They weren't wide, but they were a size up so the woman thought they'd be ok. We got him home and there were little red marks on his feet where the straps were. Clearly too tight. Plus, he was having a hard time dealing with the length and they were stiff, especially for early walkers.

So, they'll go back.

Since the goal was something that he could wear with all of the rain - leather shoes + rain = blech - he now has snazzy Mickey crocs. He's doing just fine wandering all over the house in them. I took them off and he got mad at me. I think they're a win.

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