I've been meaning to write this for days now. He's almost another month older than 2. TIme with him is going by so very quickly. He grows and learns more every single day.
His language has totally exploded. He speaks in sentences of 4-7 words. He learns dozens of new words every day. He is definitely in his sponge phase.
He eats. He will go days with only a bite or two and days where I glimpse the hollow legged teenager he will become.
He argues. He is strong willed. So much more than I expected from how laid back he was in his early days. Stubborn doesn't begin to describe it. Dedicated to the task at hand.
I've started seeing tantrums and boy can this kid throw a doozie. He's not hitting his head against the floor and practicing faces, but he's also much easier to set off.
He's cuddly. He is my snuggler. He's a mama's boy and I don't want that to ever change. He loves to sit in my lap. He loves to give kisses - on the lips, on the hand, on whatever part he can reach. He hugs...man, what hugs.
I feel so lucky to have him. He's an amazing boy, no longer a baby. I can't wait to see what the next year holds.
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