Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Pretty much everyone has been working with Corin on letters and sounds, etc. Today, Chrys taught him how to spell "TOP" and I was working with him on the sounds.

We also talked about "UP".

Chrys: What does "u" say?
Corin: Oooo.
Chrys: It also says "uh".
Corin: uuuhhhhhh
Chrys: What does "p" say?
Corin: puh
Chrys: Say them to together. Uh Puh
Corin: Uh puh
Chrys: What does that spell?
Corin: Uh puh. Uh puh. Octopus!

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