Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Moving right along

Corin is passing physical milestones at an astounding pace. His hand eye coordination (read: ability to grab at whatever we're trying to get to our mouths) has become absolutely phenomenal in just the last week. He is able to roll and wiggle himself to things on the floor. He grabs them and they go straight to his mouth. There is no hesitation nor many misses.

He loves to pull himself to standing. He's even playing with shuffling his feet in steps.

He's pulling his knees under him and trying to scoot. He's going to crawl before I know what hit me.

He's really enjoying his toys, too. He loves to look at things, chew on them, explore textures and noises and colors. He gets mad if he gets bored.

I'm going to blink and he'll be in college. Sheesh.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Corin had a piece (1 grain) of rice on 12/23. He didn't actually consume it.

At Christmas dinner, Chrys and I each gave him a couple of bites of butternut squash. Most of it came back out.

Tonight, I gave him LOTS of butternut squash and all of it stayed in. ALL of it.

I had hoped to avoid solids for a while longer, but he was getting really cranky every time we sat down to a meal. He would grab at our food. He would make chewing motions. He would follow every bite to our mouths. The boy wanted food, in a big way.

He started whining a bunch tonight while I was eating my leftovers. I gave him squash. He whined more. I signed and said "more" and gave him another bite. He quickly learned to calm down and start prepping his mouth when I said and signed "more".

He has very little tongue thrust reflex. He can certainly sit with assistance - more on that later. He hadn't quite doubled his birth weight at 4 months, but...sheesh...he probably has now. He had all of the signs of readiness and seemed to really enjoy it. I suppose it gets really interesting from here.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Ob: Santa Pic

Corin was pretty unimpressed. He was tired. There were no tears or apprehension, though, just acceptance. He did look at Santa at one point, but they didn't catch that on camera. One of these years, I'm going to go with someone else so those moments can be captured on our camera. I'm going to need kids willing to wait in line, though. HA!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Danger, Will Robinson

Today, Corin rolled himself off the bed while I was getting ready. I knew it would happen. It did with Ryanne. He was mad, but he's fine. I think she freaked out more than he did.

Thus ends the being able to leave him places. *sigh*

Chrys found him after one of his naps - up on his hands and knees in his crib.

Before dinner, he managed to get a knee under himself, get a toe hold and push a bit.

I can wait, y'know. As much as I said that if he could roll, he better walk - I was kidding. I'm not in any rush.

At least he doesn't try to move his feet when he's standing...maybe he's saving that for tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Corin has found his feet. He loves them.

It's hilarious because when I put him on his back, one of the first things he does is to grab his feet which causes him to fall over to his side and then he gets upset that he's on his side so he lets go of his feet and goes back to his back at which point he grabs his feet...

He's also found his squeal. I blame his sister for this one. She likes to scream really shrilly when she's upset. When she did it yesterday, he imitated her and cracked himself up. Anything that gets a laugh is worth trying again.

He's also teething. Me, my boobs, my fingers and most of his toys object.

Monday, December 04, 2006

4 month appointment

I can't believe he's 4 months old already. Time needs to stop. Now.

He's 17lbs1oz (90%), 14cm head (90%), and 26" long (90%) - seeing a trend here?

The doctor was impressed by his "strong man routine". He wouldn't stay on his back. As soon as I put him down, he was flipping himself onto his belly. Once there, he was pushing up and trying to get a foothold to scoot. He got royally pissed that when he grabbed the table surface and pulled, it came to him instead of pulling him to it. She says he'll probably crawl soon - it's just a matter of coordination now.

He's got some swelling that indicate we might see teeth someday. I got Hyland's just in case.

I was actually encouraged to take his lead in solids. This is so different from being told I had to have Ryanne at 3 meals a day by 6 months - not that I did, but that's what I was told to do. I took her lead and I'll take his, but it's nice to be supported in that. He likes to watch us eat, but isn't grabby so we've got a while to wait. I hand him a spoon to play with sometimes while he's in my lap and he's enjoying that for now. We'll see when he goes for more and make sure we have some (maybe not so) yummy pureed veggies waiting for when he does.

He got 5 shots - ugh - and one oral vax. He was really displeased about the shots. He screamed bloody murder and would not calm down. He didn't want to nurse or be rocked or anything. He just wanted to scream. It reminded me of his first hour outside the womb. Ah...memories.

He slept kind of fitfully all day. He's a bit flushed and not too happy with life. I'm sure he'll get over it in a couple of days when all of the effects wear off. In the meantime, poor babe.