I can't believe he's 4 months old already. Time needs to stop. Now.
He's 17lbs1oz (90%), 14cm head (90%), and 26" long (90%) - seeing a trend here?
The doctor was impressed by his "strong man routine". He wouldn't stay on his back. As soon as I put him down, he was flipping himself onto his belly. Once there, he was pushing up and trying to get a foothold to scoot. He got royally pissed that when he grabbed the table surface and pulled, it came to him instead of pulling him to it. She says he'll probably crawl soon - it's just a matter of coordination now.
He's got some swelling that indicate we might see teeth someday. I got Hyland's just in case.
I was actually encouraged to take his lead in solids. This is so different from being told I had to have Ryanne at 3 meals a day by 6 months - not that I did, but that's what I was told to do. I took her lead and I'll take his, but it's nice to be supported in that. He likes to watch us eat, but isn't grabby so we've got a while to wait. I hand him a spoon to play with sometimes while he's in my lap and he's enjoying that for now. We'll see when he goes for more and make sure we have some (maybe not so) yummy pureed veggies waiting for when he does.
He got 5 shots - ugh - and one oral vax. He was really displeased about the shots. He screamed bloody murder and would not calm down. He didn't want to nurse or be rocked or anything. He just wanted to scream. It reminded me of his first hour outside the womb. Ah...memories.
He slept kind of fitfully all day. He's a bit flushed and not too happy with life. I'm sure he'll get over it in a couple of days when all of the effects wear off. In the meantime, poor babe.
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