Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Corin had a piece (1 grain) of rice on 12/23. He didn't actually consume it.

At Christmas dinner, Chrys and I each gave him a couple of bites of butternut squash. Most of it came back out.

Tonight, I gave him LOTS of butternut squash and all of it stayed in. ALL of it.

I had hoped to avoid solids for a while longer, but he was getting really cranky every time we sat down to a meal. He would grab at our food. He would make chewing motions. He would follow every bite to our mouths. The boy wanted food, in a big way.

He started whining a bunch tonight while I was eating my leftovers. I gave him squash. He whined more. I signed and said "more" and gave him another bite. He quickly learned to calm down and start prepping his mouth when I said and signed "more".

He has very little tongue thrust reflex. He can certainly sit with assistance - more on that later. He hadn't quite doubled his birth weight at 4 months, but...sheesh...he probably has now. He had all of the signs of readiness and seemed to really enjoy it. I suppose it gets really interesting from here.

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