Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

We're crawling

As of today, Corin is a crawler. He's been army crawling and pulling himself along with his arms for a week or two now. He could get one round of hand-knee-hand-knee before he fell over. Today, it just clicked. He's cross-crawling all over the place - starting with the Albany airport on our way home. He loved being baited all over the mat at Little Gym, too.

He also saved a new milestone for the trip to Troy. On Saturday, he went from crawling to sitting. Today, I saw him go from sitting to crawling without the obligatory head bump on his way down. The little guy needs to slow WAAAAAAAY down.

He loves to walk holding on to my hands. It kills my back because he's S.L.O.W., but it's ok with me. He's even playing with pulling up. He grabbed my hands and pulled himself to his knees and then to his feet - repeatedly. This is insanity.

It was interesting. He didn't talk much this weekend. It seems he was working too hard on getting the crawling thing under control. This afternoon, I heard him babbling a ton again. I guess that physical stuff is out of the way and he can go back to communication.

We did have one "ma" that got repeated when I was feeding him some peas and he would hold his mouth open. Could he be working on repeating "more"? Only time would tell, but it would be pretty funny to have the chunkster's first word be related to getting more vittles into his mouth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Corin! What a guy.