Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Corin has this string of things that he consistently babbles.

Chrys is "ada".
I'm "ama".
He says "nini" when he's tired.
He'll call after the cats "cah".

One night as I tried to put him to sleep, he heard the jingle of cat collars. "Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hihihihihi HI CAH".

A few nights later, Chrys was rocking him to sleep. Chrys had his eyes closed and Corin was watching him. "Da Nini (giggle)".

Could he seriously be doing 2 word sentences already? It seems crazy early since neither of us really remembers Ryanne even talking much.

Maybe we're making too much out of babbles. Maybe we are just more tuned to interpreting sounds we hear a lot due to our time with Ryanne. Maybe Ryanne constantly talking right in his face is making him develop a bit faster.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. Anything's possible. Your babies are from a good gene pool.