Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Corin can...

Turn off a light switch with marginal success at turning it on
Drink from a straw
Wave bye bye (but not on way is he doing it on command)
Clap (again, not if you ask)
Tell you what a cat says (Ma-ooooowwww, Maow, MaaaaAh)
Crawl up the stairs frighteningly quickly
Butt bump down the stairs (thank goodness)
Climb pretty much anything that's level with his waist or lower (with increasing ease)
Click his tongue (sometimes when he's trying to call a cat)
Give kisses (big, sloppy open mouthed ones... and occasionally a closed mouth peck)

Amaze me every day with new tricks, understanding and affection. He's a cuddler and I *love* it.

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