Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 05, 2007


He's 30 inches tall (50%), and 23lbs 1oz (55%). His head is 47.4cm (75% - big, like his daddy's). He got 4 shots - prevnar, hep a, mmr and (to my dismay) chickenpox.

The chickenpox vax perplexes me as it did with her. I put it off with her for a while, but eventually caved. As much as I'd like to believe that they could be exposed to it naturally, I wonder how many people there are that really don't vax against it.

I don't know...the whole delayed/no vax thing drives me nuts. As much as I don't want to fill my children with things they don't need, part of the reason that they don't need them is because so many people have had them. So much of what we vax against is not eradicated world wide. Just because it hasn't popped up in the US doesn't mean it doesn't happen anywhere and people, who aren't vax'ed, can't bring it back to the US with them. I like the idea of delaying to make sure there are no sensitivities, but neither of them have shown any problems and, truthfully, I don't want the hassle.

I default to sheepdom. I vax my kids on the schedule the state suggests. I, then, hang out with many women that don't and beat myself up whenever they discuss benefits or delaying or possible risks from vaccines, etc.

We'll see what happens when they hit me with the HPV vax for Ryanne, though. I'm still uneasy about that one.

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