Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Diapering a boy

There are some considerable differences between diapering a boy and diapering a girl. Chrys learned this the hard way.

He's used to going to the pediatrician and just being able to put the blue waterproof pad under the baby and have it all be ok. When RC peed and was nude, it just went straight down.

Well, Corin had other things in mind. Chrys had just put him on the scale to be weighed at his 5 day appointment when I see a stream of liquid going everywhere. Chrys scrambled in and realized he hadn't put enough of the pad forward to be able to cover the bits creating the mess. Eventually, he got him covered, but the damage was done. The nurses (and I) were quite amused.

RC has commented on Corin 'peeing everywhere' each time we've walked past the scale since.

My escapade was saved for home. He didn't get much as I had his legs up in the air at the time so he was pointed at himself for the most part. Poor guy ended up with hair (and ear) full, though.

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