Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Beefcake! Beeeefcaaaaaaake!

Chrys says I'm feeding him Weightgain 4000. 11 lbs 2 oz at the midwife's office yesterday. Susan could barely cram him in the little sling to weigh him. He's wearing size 2 diapers (when he's not in cloth, which is most of the time until we get the last bits of cord off of him) and moving into 3-6 month clothes. *sigh*

He and I are still proclaimed doing well. I got my fist sized clot (where the placenta meets the uterus, apparently) out of the way last week and that seems to have stopped the rest of the bleeding.

The pediatrician said that with his size and obviously well established eating, we should try a bottle now to make sure he'll even consider it. Chrys gave him one tonight and says Corin took it like a champ. I pumped 3.25oz this morning and he left 1oz behind. I got him another 3.5oz while he ate that bottle (in under 5 minutes). Moooo!

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