In some ways, it's gone by much faster than Ryanne's. I think I got to enjoy more of it, though, since my life was calmer. I felt more at ease in my 'skin', too, than I did with her.
I'm sad because it's the planned end of my baby days. I'm also excited about what lies ahead. Ryanne has gotten to be so much more fun as she gets older, in different ways than I ever imagined. Corin is following closely in those footsteps and creating new paths of his own.
He amazes me every day with what he has learned - climbing (omg - the climbing), new words, kisses, hugs, pointing. He is gentle, yet truly a boy in so many ways. He loves to push things around - cars, chairs, his sister. He loves to climb - the piano stool, chairs, the dollhouse, the stools in the bathrooms. He *loves* to cuddle.
He's sleeping better - 11ish hours at night (no wakings 7pm to 6-7am) and two naps (1x 1ish hour at 9am and 1x 2ish hours at 1pm). We finally caved to some crying it out because I couldn't cope with hourly wakings and him slamming me in the face while he slept with us. His head is HARD!
He's finally eating just table food. We slowly transitioned, one meal at a time, and he decided it was ok as long as everything is small enough. It's certainly less messy that purees being spit back at me. He's not picky, but he still doesn't eat much. He nurses a lot...a whole lot...and I have a feeling he will for some time.
With his hair cut, he is so much the image of his father. They are both very handsome.
His one year appointment is tomorrow so I'll post those stats then.
We have a portrait appointment this afternoon and we'll do his one year and Ryanne's 3.75 year pictures.
Life is good. I can't believe it's his birthday. I can't believe my dad didn't meet him. I'm glad he met so many others.
OMG I can't believe he is getting so big. I will have to plan a trip out to visit sometime or better yet you guys can come out here and see the new house. All my love and lots of hugs and kisses.
Aunt Chris (and Uncle Lee says hi too...)
OMG, he looks so grown up. GammaRee still thinks CO is beautiful. I can hardly wait to hug the new handsome little boy in your home.
CO is sooooo cute! I can't believe he is 1 year old already...
Definitely would love to plan a get together in the near future, Ryanne is getting so big, and I can't wait to meet Corin :-)
Much love,
Aunt Amba
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